Don't Take My Word for It

Find out What Authors, Agents,
Business Owners, and Experts Have to Say

Marji is an absolute gem and highly gifted master of word, thought and communication. My book doesn’t fit neatly into a box; from pro bono work with the Jewish community in Hong Kong to negotiating multi-billion-dollar infrastructure deals in China to serving as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury — my life experiences defy labels. Marji has been my partner and guide on this journey, helping me create a book that captures all I’ve learned and all I want to share with my readers. I am extremely grateful for her help, wise counsel and her friendship.

– Mitchell A. Silk, former Asst. Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury for International Markets

When you need help from a publishing expert

“When Marji first came to Regnery in 1999, NBN had already been selling and distributing their books for a decade, so I didn’t know what to expect, especially from someone new to the book business. How delighted I was, therefore, to discover a business leader with great marketing skill, a knack for positioning books to sell, an immediate understanding of her market, and an excellent ability to persuade sales people who’ve “heard it all before” that this book could be the next big thing. Often her books were the next big thing and sometimes they hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller lists!”

– Jed Lyons, president and CEO of Roman and Littlefield Publishing Group and CEO of National Book Network

“Marji Ross is one of the smartest publishers I know. She has been the driving force behind dozens of bestselling authors and books, many of which we’ve worked on together. I talk with C-level executives and celebrity authors every day, and I can tell you that few publishers earn their respect. But when Marji talks, leaders listen.”

Greg Mueller, CEO of CRC Advisors and president of CRC Strategies

I have worked with Marji for more than a decade. We have published five New York Times bestsellers under her stewardship and I am enormously grateful for her leadership and her support. As an author, I know how important it is for your publisher to believe in what you do. That is just one of the many benefits of working with Marji and Regnery.”
Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and author of thirty-six books, including fifteen New York Times bestsellers.

“Marji Ross has earned my trust and loyalty as a leading expert in the literary community. As a retired U.S. Marine Infantry officer, I expect dedication, commitment, and attention to detail – and Marji has demonstrated that time and again. When I brought my book to Regnery Publishing, her professionalism and support helped make my book a bestseller. I continue to count on her wisdom, guidance, and leadership in my work, and enthusiastically endorse her talent to my friends and colleagues.”

Scott Huesing, retired U.S. Marine Infantry Major, executive director of Save The Brave

Marji has been a trusted resource for Tarkenton for several years. Her understanding of business as well as her skill in writing and editing have been immensely valuable on several key projects. Whether she is writing a script or serving as managing editor of our newsletter, she always knows how to deliver insightful, practical, and original solutions to our clients and readers.

– Edwin Bevens, Content Director, Tarkenton

It isn’t easy for an attorney working at a public interest law firm to position his book to the general reading audience. We had a very solid manuscript, but we couldn’t get any trade publishers to bite. A colleague suggested we call Marji. What a difference! Marji showed us how to revise and reposition the book proposal so that it felt timely, relevant, and compelling. It worked! We signed a contract with a major publisher and are excited about the impact our research and our analysis will have on the future.

– Kate Pomeroy, Media Director, Pacific Legal Foundation

“Literary agents work with scores of publishers and editors in the normal course of their business. And I can say without hesitation that Marji Ross is one of the best and brightest. She immediately grasps the essence of a book’s message, she intuitively knows how to position that message for maximum impact, she brings passion and purpose to every project, and she is a joy to work with.”

– Robert Wolgemuth, owner of Wolgemuth & Associates, Inc. literary agency, former president of Thomas Nelson Publishers, and best-selling author of over twenty books

“My first book had just been released by Regnery, and I was giving a speech and doing a book signing at a local gun shop. As I was talking with some customers before my formal remarks, Marji pops up between the AR-15’s and the 12-gauge shotguns. She chatted up the attendees, charmed the store owner, and made me feel like my book was the most important project in Regnery’s arsenal. (Which I’m sure it was!) Since then, we have done three books together, and I have come to rely on her judgment, her guidance, and her unerring sense of marketing and positioning. As a bonus, she’s been a guest on my nationally-syndicated radio show on several occasions, and excels at that, too! No one could wish for a greater mentor, advisor, or muse when publishing in today’s incredibly competitive market. #MarjiRocks!”

– Sebastian Gorka, bestselling author and nationally-syndicated radio show host

“I love it when Marji agrees to publish one of my clients’ books. And trust, me, it’s hard to get her to say yes! But that’s part of her success – she is so discerning, so selective, so tough, that when she says yes, I know we have a great book, with great potential. Few people have the experience to truly know what the market will respond to and how to capture the audience. I have come to Marji often for guidance and feedback as I was developing new material. It was insight you don’t often get and increased my chances of a successful project.”

– Maura Teitelbaum, literary consultant at Media Management Group, LLC

“Marji has been a great friend and colleague for over ten years. All 10 of my books have been published at Regnery under her leadership – and I am humbled to say that every single one has become a national bestseller, thanks in large part to Marji and her amazing team. She has a great understanding of the marketplace, and is a master at making sure every aspect of a book is orchestrated for success.”

David Limbaugh, nationally-syndicated columnist and 10-time New York Times bestselling author

My journey with my son is not one of defeat or limitation – it is a story of hope, inspiration, and endless possibilities. Marji understood me from the beginning and assisted me in bringing my story to life. I wrote the book “Warrior Mom” so that every parent would know that Autism is not a hopeless diagnosis, and I am so grateful to Marji for her guidance in making this all possible.

– Tracy Slepcevic, Bestselling Author of Warrior Mom

“Every time I’m in a meeting with Marji, I learn something. In fact, a lot of what I know about positioning, marketing and selling books came from her and her no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach. I’ve been lucky to represent authors who’ve received 7- and 8-figure advances, and dozens of New York Times bestsellers. Much of that success is related – in one way or another — to the wisdom and judgment I learned from Marji Ross.”

Keith Urbahn, president and founding partner of Javelin literary and creative agency

Having spent the vast majority of my career with the Big 6 publishing houses, including Random House and Simon & Schuster, it was a real treat to work with someone like Marji Ross. She just refuses to accept the status quo, refuses to do things “the way they’ve always been done,” and refuses to accept mediocrity. As a result, she has one of the best track records in the business, and is one of the most talented publishers I have ever met.”

Stephen Black, vice president of Client Publisher Services, Simon & Schuster, Inc.

As a father, I am continually humbled and inspired by the courage of my daughter, Lily. As a businessman, I was also convinced that her story could provide encouragement to millions of other people struggling with a disability, and to their loved ones. Marji turned our ideas and stories into a powerful and beautiful book proposal that has allowed us to approach publishers with confidence. Thanks to Marji, Lily’s voice comes out loud and strong, ensuring that Lily can achieve her goal of speaking for so many who feel they have no voice.

– Joel Brasch M.D., medical director of Chicago IVF

Trusted by Leading Organizations

When we hired Marji to work on our book, we had a solid manuscript, but we needed to go from good to great. Her vision would enable us to powerfully impact a larger audience through clear and personalized language. Thanks to Marji’s advice, feedback, and hands-on editing, we now have a manuscript that is as riveting, gut-wrenching, infuriating, eye-opening, sobering, inspiring and powerful to the reader as it was for me to live through.We couldn’t have done it without her.

– Fred Galvin, Major, USMC, ret., author of A Few Bad Men

My clients kept telling me I should write a book, but it was a daunting task. I started and stopped several times — until I met Marji. She helped me clarify my message, organize my concepts, and write a powerful book that I am confident will grow my business and strengthen my brand. Giddy up!

– Michelle Heath, founder and CEO, Growth Street, author of Unrivaled

“I’ve known Marji for more than 30 years. Honestly, I met her through her late husband, the great Mac Ross, who was my friend and business partner for many years. So I saw Marji through perhaps a different lens than most of her business associates. Only later did I have the chance to work with her professionally- and what a surprise she was! Turns out she is a superb marketer, a first-class book publisher, an innovator of the first order, and an incredible leader. No wonder she could hold her own with the legendary Mac Ross. And no wonder, too, that she has become one of the most successful book publishers in the country.”

Jay Abraham, founder and CEO of The Abraham Group, Inc., Strategic Marketing Expert

As a reporter and an attorney, I have a lot of experience writing. But writing a book is a whole different ballgame. Thank goodness for Marji Ross. She helped me take my notes and drafts and weave them together into a compelling book full of shocking revelations and behind-the-scenes details. And then, after the writing was done, she even helped me find a publisher! I can honestly say I would not be a published author today without Marji’s help.

– Christina Bobb, author of Stealing Your Vote

I am so grateful to Marji for helping me tell my story. The crucible my husband and I endured was terrible to live through, but I knew our story of faith during the storm was important to share with our fellow Americans. Marji guided us at every step along the way, helping us write a book that will be a wake-up call for all people who stand for Truth in a world that has lost its way.

– Carla D’Addesi, author of Called Not Canceled

Marji made my dreams come true. I’ve given nearly 200 speeches in the past 20 years, but I never could have pulled them together without Marji’s expert guidance and help. Now I have a handsome book that is the definitive collection of my 20 years advocating for human rights in China, organized and presented in a way that reflects the passion and commitment of every speech I have given. Marji guided me through every step of the publishing process. She exceeded my expectations – and I can’t wait to work with her on my next book!

– Jianli Yang, president, Citizen Power Initiatives for China, author of For the Living

I had published nine books with a major New York publishing house, including bestselling biographies of Frank Lloyd Wright, Stephen Sondheim, Salvador Dali, and Leonard Bernstein. I’ve been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and awarded the Presidential National Humanities Award. Yet I could not find the right publisher for my newest book on Princess Margaret. So I called Marji. She immediately saw the importance and commercial appeal of my book, and landed me a publishing deal with a wonderful publisher! I am so delighted, and eternally grateful to Marji for her help.

– Meryle Secrest, bestselling author

“I’ve worked with Marji for more than 30 years, and she has become one of the most creative, insightful and successful publishers in the business. Back when she started, she was a junior editor working on my newsletter (back when she had no children and I had more hair), but even then her feedback and editing advice was spot-on. Fast forward thirty years and she has become a powerhouse in the publishing business. Her speeches at our annual conferences are always standing-room-only, and her success stories are legendary.”

– Mark Skousen, PhD in monetary economics, editor of award-winning investment newsletter Forecasts and Strategies, founder and producer of FreedomFest

“Marji Ross took on a huge project in publishing Dennis Prager’s The Rational Bible and she managed it with great ideas and a wonderful attitude. The books would not have been nearly as successful without her experience, management, insights and direction. I’m so glad we had her taking the lead. I would happily involve her again in any publishing project”

– Joel Alperson, president of Omaha Fixture International, Inc.

“Negotiating contracts can be a messy and contentious business. Too often, I end up negotiating with someone who is trying to “win” the fight. Marji is one of those rare executives who knows that the best business relationships result from a negotiation where both sides win. She has a remarkable ability to be tough and fair, protective and supportive. I think that’s why so many authors love working with her.”

– Kathy Lubbers, president of the Lubbers Agency

Before Radius Book Group publishes a book, we go to great lengths to make it the most compelling read possible. For a title by a relative unknown author, aimed at the political market, we wanted to ensure the message was clear and inviting no matter the political persuasion. To reach the conservative end of the spectrum, we turned to Marji Ross, whose ear is well tuned to conservative messaging, whose eye can catch and correct phrasing that is not on point, and whose market instincts can steer a book clear of inevitable shoals and headwinds. Both author and publisher are most pleased with the results, especially when consumers express their appreciation for such an impactful book.

– Mark J. H. Fretz, PhD, Editorial Director, Radius Book Group

“Marji Ross is one of the savviest marketers in the $123 billion book publishing industry. If you are going to launch a book, know that nobody does it better than Marji Ross. More to the point, Marji’s PR/Publicity wizardry directly applies to launching any product, service or event—consumer, non-profit or B2B. A number of years ago Marji Ross shared her secrets at a New York City Book Expo. Her session was worth the price of admission to the conference.

– Denny Hatch, author, freelance writer, direct marketing consultant, and founder of Who’s Mailing What!

“I have dedicated the last 27 years of my career to mentoring and supporting young conservative women, most of whom are vilified and bullied on college campuses across the country. These brave young women need female role models, women of courage and conviction, women who have successfully balanced work and family, women of integrity. Marji is one of their favorites. For decades, she has been committed to helping young women, to mentoring them personally, and to providing direct and specific instruction and inspiration. Marji has a whole “fan club” of young women on college campuses across the country who have met her, heard her speak, and connected with her personally. She has been incredibly generous with her time and her help.”

Michelle Easton, founder and president of Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women